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Saturday, May 10, 2014
Creative Team Guidelines
Revised: May 6, 2014

Contact Info:
Samantha, CT Manager:
LynLou, Asst. CT Manager:

***Any member of the creative team who goes 90 days without participating (request & submitting tag designs, etc) will be removed from the CT without notice. Should there come a time when you find you have time to participate we would love to have you re-apply to the CT.***

CT Manager receives tubes, previews & copyright info for the artist.
Previews are broken down by month and week. You will receive previews for that particular week of the month.
CT Manager will email previews for you to select your tube to work with.
You may only choose ONE tube at a time. Before you choose a new tube you must complete a tag, timeline, IM letter or other design as well as promote that artist in forums, on FB, blogs, the ADI Yuku group, etc.
Tubes may only be selected for the month and week they are listed. Once the month is over tubes/previews will be archived.
If you will not be able to return those designs you will need to notify Samantha, LynLou or Linda with your reasons why and when we can expect them to be returned.
Any image that has been released by ADI and is in the store can be posted on your blogs, websites, forums, etc. after you have created your designs.
————————————————————————————————————————You are required to provide a link on your site to the ADI website or store. Blinkies can be found on our blog for this purpose. ADI Blog
If you are not sure where to promote, please join the ADI Promotions Group and view the files section for places to promote and advertise.
————————————————————————————————————————While we realize that there are images and artists you prefer over others, all our artists are to be treated fairly and without prejudice against their work. Each CT member is required to work with each artist. The ONLY exception to this is AC images. If you do not wish to work with AC images you must notify Samantha, LynLou or Linda.
If you are going to be away and unable to participate, please email Samantha, LynLou or Linda. If you find that you will be unable to participate for more than 90 days we ask that you drop from the CT until you are able to participate.
When you create tags, FB timelines, etc. please be sure to create one for each of the following people:
1) the artist 2) Scribbles 3) Alicat 4) Linda
All designs must be posted in our Yuku group
A large part of being on any creative team is promoting the artists you work with. We ask that you promote anywhere and everywhere you are allowed to provide the greatest exposure for our artists and your designs.
Tube quality is important to us, if you find a problem with any tube, please contact Linda.
Our Goal
The goal of the ADI Creative Team is to present the artist's work in the best possible light, while spotlighting the talents of our Creative Team Designers.
Members of the ADI Creative Team who have blogs,Websites, etc. Are required to provide a link to our Website.
You can find banners for your blogs, websites etc on the ADI blog:
**Note: Please remember that when you are on the Creative Team that you represent ADI.
Keep your gossip, drama and personal issues off the ADI boards.
If you have something to discuss with others please deal with them off list or leave messages in the appropriate ADI member mailboxes.**





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License Request

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CT Call

Interested in joining one of the best creative teams in town? Just CLICK HERE and complete our Creative Team application and the CT Manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible! Thanks!

Tubing Team

Are you good at tubing? Would you like to work with the ADI Tubing Department in exchange for free tubes? If interested, click HERE and complete our short application. Someone will be in touch with you shortly!

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